Our Gorilla Campaign

Our Gorilla Campaign


Backed by UNESCO Gorilla Ambassadors Program | UNESCO click link

The Gorilla Ambassadors Program is a remarkable initiative created in Virunga, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Purpose and Context:

    • The program aims to prepare the future generation of conservators for Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1970.
    • Unfortunately, the park has been classified as a perished site since 1994 due to serious environmental and security threats. These threats include armed logging groups, poaching, and illegal activities.
    • Around the park, forests are disappearing due to over-exploitation, and climate change impacts agriculture and farming.
  2. Launched by Local Association:

    • The Gorilla Ambassadors Program was launched by a local association called Congo Tourisme Gate.
    • It focuses on training schoolchildren aged 6 to 14 in gorilla conservation.
    • Additionally, it raises awareness and educates the community about the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures.
  3. Activities and Impact:

    • The program involves practical activities, including reforestation of degraded gorilla habitat and areas around the park.
    • Artistic expression plays a crucial role, promoting culture and involving communities.
    • Since 2019, over 2,500 young schoolchildren and communities bordering the gorilla’s natural habitat have participated in program activities.
    • Thanks to their commitment, the poaching rate has dropped significantly.
    • The Virunga mountain gorilla population growth rate has risen from 3% to 4.7%, with approximately a dozen births each year.
  4. Continued Support Needed:

    • To sustain their efforts and cope with persistent insecurity due to armed groups in the park, the association requires support.

By supporting the Gorilla Ambassadors Program, you play a vital role in conserving these endangered gorillas and preserving the rich biodiversity of Virunga. 🦍🌿🌍